Gangstalking is mental!
Gangstalking, V2K & Tech Tricks + Mind Control of people around you coupled with the V2K Ventriloquist effect
Those who are targeting us have a skill they hold above all others. The ability to DECEIVE! It also happens to be Satan's primary tool, coincidence?
RULE # 1
DECEPTION is the main tool of our enemy!
I have been targeted for more than 3 YEARS and yet I have seen very little activity that I could definitively call GANGSTALKING. I know this isn’t true for everyone, and believe the face of the Target Individual community in Australia potentially differs from elsewhere. I also live in a Rural City of less than 55,000 which might have an effect on my experience.
Complicit platforms like YouTube and Redd-it present dozens of videos and forums talking about Gangstalking. Most of them reek of a production designed to PUT THE FEAR into you or GASLIGHT you. Many I believe are productions and stories posing as real Targeted individuals. They are fabrications by the very people that implemented this covert harassment program designed to make those perpetuating this crime appear greater in number and in power.
RULE # 2
Our enemy is of much lesser number than the general populace. So they like to - Appear STRONG when they are WEAK!
Let’s begin with the status quo. Since the rollout of the fake vaccines that actually contained nano-technology designed to make every person trackable and traceable on the Internet of Things (IoT), each person has become a NODE on the network.
Checkout this excellent documentary explaining much about the reality of the pandemic and the Mind Control Agenda at large:
Due to the mind control technology deployed, a non-trivial percentage of the population have experienced the softening of the mind (or mind fog) to the extent that they can have suggestions inserted into their minds in real time which they will obey verbatim. These people are not STALKING YOU, they are being controlled. Regarding Gang stalking; I believe that for the much of the feeling of stalking is ILLUSION to exacerbate the threat posed by local entities as a mechanism to freak targets out and make them feel like they are being attacked by a large number of players in their community when they are not.
Well known ex military contractor, the late Dr Robert Duncan writes this in his book titled "How to Tame a Demon":
Some researchers speculate that the newer technologies of mind control allow for a new form of stalking using commoners that are not aware that they are participating in the stalking program against the target.
Our enemy will break their rules 5 to 10% of the time to THROW YOU OFF THE SCENT of the reality.
I am not saying that the authorities haven't been weaponised against you by your name being placed on a terrorist list resulting in you being pulled up more frequently than otherwise might happen. We KNOW that this happens and that people have been placed on Government lists. But the idea that you are being stalked by non-institutional players is much less prevalent than it might appear. These are induced events designed to keep you on edge.
What I have seen is V2K parlour tricks and people being USED, through suggestion and mind control to behave in certain ways to give the impression of local threats and Gangstalking.
We aren't TARGETED, Everybody is. We are just conscious of the mind control that we are all being subjected to.
Our enemy has (varied degrees of) mind control over nearly every NODE (i.e. person) on the global Internet of Things (IoT) and will use them to effect your life. The reason for you being made conscious of it is to DISCREDIT you, have you declared CRAZY and/or cause TRAUMA to allow you to be PROGRAMMED.
Methods of Mind Control
Mind Control is based on suggestion and uses the following basic methods and techniques:
Ultrasonic Subliminal Programming
Core Programming
These are suggestions placed in the head of someone usually as they sleep or just before or after sleep.. These are the times when people are most suggestible...
The catch all clause
A subliminal core programming stating that "You will do as I say when I say it without question" basically makes people into robots... Alcohol and drugs make people even easier to control.
They use a tinnitus like sound to hide subliminal programming.
This technique can be used to make people easier to BREAK! If they are trying to make you look crazy they might suggest that the tinnitus in your head become louder and louder and associate it with an action like
"When your head hits the pillow, the sound gets louder and louder" or "When you turn on your computer, the sound gets louder and louder".
Or if you are a DISSENTER they might program others to not listen to you, such as
"When {your name} enters the room, you leave" or
"You find {your name} boring and can't stand listening to what they say"
Use of triggers
Triggers are basically COMMANDS or KEYWORDS that have been implanted during subliminal programming. These commands can then be TRIGGERED while in a waking state. These can be used to invoke various responses in you.
Triggers can be sent without the target consicously hearing them. A target can even be made to forget everything that happens during the time they are performing the command they have have been trained to perform.
An example of a trigger program might be something like "If someone talks to you about conspiracies you get angry" "You find conspiracies boring and uninteresting" "You will stop listening to someone if they start talking about vaccine injuries" "If someone tries to tell you that you're mind controlled you get angry" "When you hear this sound you will get angry"
Much of the populace has been programmed with triggers such as these and this is why you will have trouble talking to loved ones about these types of topics.
People are just another Node on the Internet of Things that can be utitlised like a tool or weapon to achieve their purposes
Motives for Targeting
In order to understand what suggestions they are using, it is useful to identify their MOTIVES. To understand motives you must first understand that it is the supporters of the New World Order that are responsible for your torture and harassment.
I will not go into detail on this in this article about the players involved but strongly recommend you take a look at [The Deep State Mapping Project] specifically.
The players that support the NWO are wide and varied. Big Tech (Google, YouTube, Rumble - since Peter Theil bought in to it, Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, Microsoft), the Vatican, Much of the Fortune 500 companies via investment from the biggest fund managers, Vanguard and Blackrock, Most Governments have been infiltrated (on both sides of the two party systems in Western so-called democracies) by the World Economic Forum WEF "Young Global Leaders Program" initiates. The World Health Organisation (WHO), United Nations, Most Five Eyes intel Agencies, CIA, FBI, DARPA, local authorities, High level Freemasons and the list goes on...
Too many people have fallen for the false flags that have been deliberately placed before you. Remember RULE #1! DECEPTION is their biggest tool. Those who deceive you because they are complicit in what is the BIGGEST CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN.
They have, without consent, installed hardware designed to allow every human to be catalised into a Transhuman. They have installed surveillance hardware into every man woman and child to allow them to see what you see and hear what you hear. even see what you think.
They have filled our bodies with self-assembling, self-replicating Nano-technology capable of building nearly anything they choose.
They can wirelessly control people via suggestion and trigger illnesses through application of various mechanisms such as EMF.
Much of this has been confirmed through Ana Marie Mihalcea's fantastic work on uncovering the nano present in nearly all humans (jabbed and unjabbed due to shedding, Chemtrails, poisoned foods etc.)
So what is their motive. Well they have already said that by 2030 you will be happy. They have also said that we are over populated and the Deagal report (that has been covered up by "fact-checkers") estimated that upwards of 70% of the USA and UK would be dead by 2025 and over 30% of Australians.
Many have wrongly assumed this will be due to the vaccines. This is not true.. The technology that lies within us is not necessarily fatal, at least not to our bodies.. It is fatal to our free-will and our souls.
I believe they intend to kill off any that they cannot program for their own purposes. This will include all the dissenters and those who will not comply. If you are a conscious TI chances are their attempts to program you have failed! Those that cannot be programmed will likely be put on the slow kill list. Those who are compliant and useful to them will remain as their SLAVES.
So for the most part the motives are clear if you are speaking out against the New World Order and their cronies.
1. To make you look crazy
2. To isolate you and stop you from communicating with anyone
3. To stop you working on anything that will expose them (i.e. producing any articles, videos, podcasts etc containing truth, creating websites, scientific work etc that might be detrimental to their COVERT operation).
For more information see
Tools used to create Illusion of Gangstalking
The tools that they use to do this are many and varied. Here are those I have identified thus far:
Using Voice to Skull (V2K) to simulate sounds in your environment such as bangs and knocks in the apartment above you or outside your window, cars, animals, voices etc..
Using V2K Ventriloquist effect coupled with AI voices to give illusion of people (like your neighbors) talking about you (they have the voice imprints of nearly everyone)
Impersonating friends or creating fake accounts on social media sites and attacking you, distracting you or extracting information etc..
using EEG modulation to replay feelings of paranoia or reinforce an invalid or incorrect belief systems.
Using Mind Control on people in your environment to make them behave in a way that you see as stalking when they are just being effected by suggestion and frequency.
Creating TI, Parasite cleansing etc groups on popular social media like Facebook, designed to confuse people with fake stories of Gangstalking such as meeting those who are apparently involved in the stalking.
Frequent mention of gangstalking and associated phenomenon found on popular, complicit platforms (such as YouTube and Redd-it) put in to your feed so you are always on the look out for similar experience (another form of suggestion).
The reasons for this misdirection is OBVIOUS.. The aim is to disrupt individuals by misleading the Target into thinking EVERYONE IS OUT TO GET THEM! The target then has to go about spending a heap of time and money just trying to feel safe in their own environment! If they are an ACTIVIST (which seems like one of the largest groups of people being targeted) this will eat into the time they could be spending informing people of the REAL ISSUES facing humanity.
It also makes you look crazy and paranoid about the slightest things that are not even related to those who are targeting you. You will automatically assume that all occurrences are a result of you being targeted. This is what they want. This is their style - You making yourself crazy!
Not everyone in your community is out to get you! Your government might be, but they might not even want you dead - just incapacitated until they feel like it's time to get rid of you!
The aim is often not to kill you, but to cause trauma and fear in order to incapacitate and make you easier to program for another purpose (e.g. school shooting, murder suicide, suicide, violent outbursts, murder like a Machurian Candidate).
I believe that the reason for many people being targeted, in this day and age and at this critical time is to disrupt very capable people who are speaking out about the New World Order.
They want to make people believe that the attacks are some weird group of people who are all out to get them. While this is true in some cases, the constant assults and suggestion has the effect of TIs jumping at their own shadow which incapacitates the target and leaves them feeling helpless and full of fear!
Why harm someone if you can get them to harm themselves?
The more time spent in a state of fear the worse the situation appears to become as your mind becomes stuck in a loop. You need to get yourself out of this loop, through removing the threats that you have control over.
If the gangstalking threats are real, and you react to them, you egg them on. If they are imagined, then you are just scaring yourself. This is their way. To have you tear yourself apart while they sit back and laugh.
You fears are being used against you.. It is IMPERATIVE to turn your mind to the POSITIVE..
They manipulate with our eyes and brain. I woke up one night and heard noises so I looked up under the covers and saw my dad leaning over me. My dad would never do such a thing. But they wanted me to believe it but I don't. How they did it, I don't know.
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