Some people believe that they can buy their way to happiness (capitalism)
Others believe they can hand every aspect of their lives over to a benevolent leader (socialism)
There must be a better way...
Whatever you call it, when a group, company, government, group of companies or group of people become too big or too powerful, have a monopoly or collude to create monopolies and cartels, it creates problems. This group is then a risk to the people of taking advantage of the power they have in order to instill more power.
Socialism believes everyone should be treated equally. That we all have a right to health and education. That the way to glory is to hand over much of the control to a ruling entity that will divvy it out evenly.
This all sounds absolutely utopian and it would be if it weren't for the need of an entity, usually government, to be the ones who implement this. Top-down management like this rarely works and if you take a look around, you don't have to look far to see that the more control a government is given, the more corruption will result. Perhaps if money and resources could be evenly shared without the need for people then that would remove the potential for corruption.
But Democracy must reign as a primary concept if any part of socialism is to work. Socialist ideals work well at a local level... They should not be allowed for entities whose ever-increasing power eventually becomes way too powerful with their fingers in too many pies eventually creating what we have today. A society where people are like mushrooms - kept in the dark and fed bullish!t while a self-proclaimed "elite" gallivant around in jets telling the people to eat bugs and stop creating co2 (in other words they want us to STOP breathing!).
They have USED your Climate Change to create all the "crises" we are seeing. The energy crisis is unnecessary. And here in Australia we are exporting record amounts of coal and gas to China year on year and this is only going to continue. Is the world any greener for the fact we aren't burning it ourselves? No - but the people sure are paying a lot more for it. And some are just going without, choosing FOOD over warmth. All the while our energy companies are reporting RECORD PROFITS!
Power must not be allowed to congregate at a world level. All our NGO's are corrupt. Our governments are complicit in this corruption. It's amazing how many world leaders (including Putin, Ardern and Trudeau to name a few) have been groomed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Achievers Program aimed at molding the next generation of world leaders, then installing them in Parliaments and even country leaders around the world , mostly in democratic parties, but in the case of Australia, we had the double whammy.
They have the money,
They have the minds,
The biggest risk to them at the moment is people waking up!
Not only does it feel like we "the people" have lost our ability to do anything about it, but most appear to have fallen under the spell of Big Tech's ability to control their minds and hearts, not (necessarily) with some fancy nanobots injected into their bodies or emotion affecting Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) beaming them 24/7 from phone towers, placed like watch towers every 500 meters in every city and town around Australia, but via manipulation of search results (i.e. did you know that people select the first result that Google returns 80% of the time?), massive amounts being paid to the most commonly viewed news media in order to control the narrative and analysis and weaponisation of peoples' beliefs stolen like involuntary market research from social media interactions and deliberate psychological analysis, allowing them to co-opt causes closest to peoples' hearts for their own purposes.
They know what matters to people - and they USE IT AGAINST THEM!
Climate change is one of these things that have been co-opted. Just saying that does not mean I am against causes that truly target the issue, on the contrary, the deceivers who virtue signal that they care about these causes are none other than those currently doing the most damage to the planet and have no intention to stop.
They mean to decimate the planet and its people. They mean to rule over the people, always saying the right thing, and simultaneously driving division among the people. They always choose the things that anger people the most. They feed this hate. They point out the differences reminding us that it's us verses and "them". They always utilise race and sexuality. And they have more recently added "gender". This is no accident. Those that control have always used these incendiary topics. They understand that humans are by nature tribal and this goes back for millennia.
Yes, I see the irony in what I just wrote. Pointing the finger and saying "they" are doing all these bad things and I am just a helpless victim. In a 1933 speech, The great Albert Einstein once said:
"War is not inevitable. It is the product of man's failure to understand that his fellow man is his brother."
These people seem to have forgotten about their brothers, their sisters and even their own families. Blinded by money, power, the quest for life eternal, and all the while they have have lost connection to the divine. Many of the native tribes lived in harmony with nature for tens of thousands of years. It took our colonialist culture only centuries to place us firmly in what could possibly be the beginning of the biggest risk to the survival of the human species the world has seen.
Money and state - need separation - like decentralising it completely (instead we are moving toward the dystopia of CBDCs), so that we don't have governments placing “personal sanctions” on those who call them out or that print money at will enriching themselves and their mates at the expense of the masses and their children. It's not surprising this has happened, what IS surprising, is that it took so long for them to do it.
And why WOULDN'T they do this?? The people have shown them that they can get away with it. Just our compliance with their directives emboldens them. We don't need Rambo to fix things, just a lot of EVERYDAY PEOPLE who have the spine to STAND UP. These are the true heroes.
Religion and state - need separation
Media and the state - need separation
Private enterprise and state - need separation
Education and state - need separation
The leaders and parliamentarians, in power should be closely monitored by the people. The state and companies of a certain size should be 100% TRANSPARENT in order to avoid corruption. It is not good enough for the people to vote once every 4 years!
Every decision by the state needs scrutiny, not just by the Senate, but by the people. The financial transactions spent at all levels of government should be on a transparent blockchain. THEIR every day dealings should be PUBLIC RECORD! NOT OURS! They want ALL of the POWER and NONE of the TRANSPARENCY! They want US to be TRANSPARENT and know everything about OUR every day deals. They TAKE this without asking! Where we shop, what we buy, who we buy off, who we communicate with, even what we say in our communications. We even have to justify to the BANKS when we withdraw OUR OWN MONEY!
The people should be able to contribute their views and opinions via a blockchain solution. One of the finest ideas to come out of blockchain is known as a Distributed Autonomous Organisation (DAO). This concept allows true democratic management where its members raise matters of importance, then vote on these matters, placing the direction and management of the entity firmly in the hands of ALL of it's members. Every person has the option to contribute to the important decisions being made for the good of the whole.
This eliminates those at the top making decisions based, not on what is best for the people, but what is best for THEMSELVES. Our leaders are selfish, greedy, nepotistic, deceptive, without compassion or integrity and usually sell out to the highest bidder while lying to the people to cover up their shameful conduct!
There are solutions to these problems. Instead, we allow this cancerous tumour to grow bigger and bigger every day.
Anti-competitive laws are not even adhered to anymore. Global organisations use their massive power to turn governments and instil laws that are favourable to their operation. So we live in a world of monopolies and cartels - the MOB. It is these entities and complicit governments and NGO's who are pushing the current agendas.
It is these issues that have allowed an intelligence state to grow unhindered with no oversight. This has led to a situation where ALL parties are happy. The Government and it's members pockets are OVERFLOWING! The CORPORATIONS DO WHAT THEY WANT with Governments blessing, the MEDIA "incentivised" by both the CORPORATIONS and GOVERNMENTS report that EVERYTHING IS FINE! The only people who aren't happy are THE PEOPLE. THE PEOPLE are getting SCREWED, while the RULING CLASS THRIVE!
We need to dissolve these entities and start again. Or start building OUTSIDE of their corrupt systems. And the best way to do this is to start with the money! Once again, I'll say it - Bitcoin! It represents a truly democratic form of money, unhindered by wars, inflation-resistant, unconfiscatable, uncontrolled by any one power. The environmental impact of it is dwarfed by it's potential to stop all wars and a huge proportion of corruption world-wide. If you are looking for a real “OCEAN BOILER” - look no further than AI for a tool that uses many, many times the energy of Bitcoin - and all so you can have a picture of a fat cat in a business suit, surfing a wave made of money.
If you don't understand what I mean, maybe it's time to learn!
The ruling class started a WAR against it’s very own people. A war that many aren’t even aware they are in. And as Einstein said:
"The world will not be destroyed by those who make war, but by those who sit back and let it happen."
We don't need A HERO to fix things - Just a lot of EVERYDAY PEOPLE who HAVE A SPINE to STAND UP - YOU are the TRUE HEROES!