Yes ,being a targeted individual,is very challenging, the mind us what they are after. I've been detoxing, positive affirmations. One day back in 2020 I was working and actually felt a invisible I'm guessing implant be put under NY skull at baseline next to brain stem. I heard the crunching of my bone as it was being inserted. How in the world can this be done. It is very scary to know that they can take our minds over. I'm sure the suicide rate has gone up once people heardt the voices in their head and the complete take over of the mind is on the rise. We need help. I've been calling On Jesus Christ who has led me to many answers, our minds are being taken over ,we need solutions asap.

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Wow, am I reading this correctly!? That is some intense sh!t.. Funny you should say though because I have had times where I have been sure of a PRESENCE in the house, but there was nothing there.. Almost like a inter-dimensional presence?

Dunno.. But then I thought it must just be the V2K and my imagination...

But Maybe that is what is happening... Time-travel, dimension hopping.. it's worth consideration I guess.

As they say reality is the past present and future ALL AT ONCE.. So with folding time upon itself makes it possible to move forwards and backwards through time especially when dealing with the Quantum....

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Freaky stuff. I've been through the most bizarre things. This sub cranium implantvwas done to me while i was waitresses it hurt and I heard bones cru ching felt the back of my skull and felt it getting position. I found documents on this stuff but not how they put it in. I'm doing a podcast o. My findings. It's smart dust and internet if things for targeted individuals. Crazy crap.

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Wow. I'll have to keep a lookout for your podcast Georgia. I'd love to hear more :)

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My questions are how does a guy like elon musk rise out of relative obscurity to shoot thousands of rockets with payloads of questionable benefit to humanity into the air and who pays for this? When in the history of nasa was any privateer allowed to do things at will and basically control the program?

verner von braun wrote a book called “Project Mars” that was published in 1953 that has a man named “elon” leading a 10man government of Mars colonies and now a man named elon musk essentially controls the reigns of nasa and occasionally wears an occupy Mars tshirt. Clearly someone can peer into the future.

There is no doubt nasa comes from a roman, saturnian death cult. The fact that the first head of nasa was a nazi should be your first clue.

Look back at the year the US was born. The bavarian illuminati was born on beltane, May first 1776. “May first” is the only day on the gregorian calendar to = 666 in English gematria. The values of 716 for Jewish and Simple as 111 are important as well. 111 is the base root of sol magic square math. 111x2=222x2=444x2=888x2=1776. They use the birthday of rome as a seed sorcery date which was 4/21/753BC.

In a nonleap year 4/21 is the 111th day of the year. Add 4 months and 21 days. It is always 9/11 and there is a 111 day mirror to the end of the year on the other side of 9/11. Everything for them is completely mathematical and dictated by a sentient computer (essentially satan) that is a preflood black cube immersed in the devil’s triangle.

Look at the use of their julian year. The false start of the julian calendar was 1/1/4713BC. In 1947 the 33rd president who was a 33rd degree mason completed project paperclip where nazi scientists were allowed to come into the US. They were in contact with the fallen angel demonic and in the fourth generation of UFOs called VRIL 4. This is the same year spook agencies were born and the Roswell crash occurred. 1947AD + 4713BC = Julian year 6660. The roman year ab urbe condita AUC was 2700 or 300x3x3 fallen angel code. bohemian grove has a 2700 acre campus for that reason. The suicide “27 club” follows the same dark pattern.

Look at 1953. It is the julian year 6666. What year did verner von braun write his book. The lizard queen of England was coronated on the second day in the 6th month of Julian year 6666. Go look up somerset belenoff cousin of QE2 born in glamis castle 5/1/1953 666 day 6666th julian year and supposedly is the head of the Illuminati and alternates the rule with george soros. obama is their choice. There is a fight for supremacy which in the end regardless of the victor for the title of apollo the same new world order would result. The method is to control all options with the end result being the same by use of the hegelian dialectic.

The Jewish gematria value of “lucifer” is 323. The date 3/23 is lucifer day and the eve is skull and bones day 322 >3/22. The georgia guidestones were dedicated on skull and bones day 3/22/1980. 1980 minutes/60 minutes/hr = 33 hours or 33 degrees depending on which babylonian sexigesimal system you are looking at.

Because they are assets of this coming advanced AI that creates the eternally damned 666 mark of the beast temple they are subject to its methods. What are the odds of this?

The mentor of hitler and founder of nazism, dietrich eckhart, was born 3/23/1868. The first head of nasa (means “to deceive”) in Hebrew, verner von braun, was born 3/23/1912. hitler, who I am convinced was satan in flesh, was made furher of germany by the enabling act 3/23/1933. Exactly 1332 weeks later (666 x 2) nasa opened its doors on 10/1/1958. From “lucifer day” 3/23/1776 (right before the birth of the bavarian Illuminati on 666 day 5/1/1776) to 10/1/1958 day inclusive is 66666 days. It sounds like a highly developed matrix computer program years if not centuries in the making that will be unleashed on an unsuspecting world with the final 1000th death by papercuts being the capstone of satanic effort with the chip eternally damning the body temple that through a previous “gain of function” vaccination already started oriented the victims towards a coming antichrist body template. The reactions of the victims is going into the final test with end result being made a member of hell and full demonic possession. The rejection would be beheading which is in obamacare signed on lucifer day 3/23/2010 exactly 77 years after the enabling act made hitler furher. The law was passed by a ritual 111th sol magic square base root congress whether it was wittingly or unwittingly which shows you to the extent of cognitive dissonance in the populace whether it is in government or rank and file.

Martha Trowbridge’s work says obama is the grandson of hitler and his true father was malcolm X. His mother was the daughter of hitler. So, what results is a modern day nimrod and semiramis producing an offspring obama/tammuz as the conclusive chapter of the mystery babylon. Consider that 7/4/1776 is probably the worst day on the Jewish calendar to be born. It is the 17th of Tammuz which is historically a day of tragedy in Judaism. It started with Moses breaking the first set of the Ten Commandments in front of the golden calf worshippers.

Now look at the first fake moon landing launch date. It is 7/16/1969 at 13:32UTC U=3T=2C=3. 666 x 2 and 323 lucifer code. The program is named after the coming antichrist apollo/apollyon and the rocket was the saturn V.

Look at the date 7/16/1969. The first Abomb detonation was at the Trinity site on the same day 7/16/1945. trumpster was born exactly 333 days later on 6/14/1946 and the rothschild state of Israel was born 700 days later with a ritual 33 weeks to the end of the luciferian gregorian year. From first Abomb detonation to the birth of Israel is 1033 days. A day on saturn last 10 hours and 33 minutes supposedly. The rotational velocity is 9.69 km/sec. Look at the moon landing year of 1969. The oldest living man was Methuselah who lived 969 years. The dark celebration was that no man made a day with the Lord which 1000 years is as a day.

The synagogues of satan Star Trek series ended in the fall of 1969 with a 999 day (council of nines) run. The last aired episode was “Requiem for Methuselah “. Gene Roddenberry was quoted as saying the episodes were channeled from the council of 9.

Everything is precise ritual with them. Look at the day anton lavey started the US satanic church 4/30/1966. It is exactly 21 years after hitler faked his death on walpurghisnacht 4/30/1945. The child sacrifice moloch ritual created from this is mind blowing with the moloch/baal ritual being made abortion law of US 1/22/1973. The 7/16 date in 1966 is a dark ritual ritual 6 years 6 months and 6 days before. The 70th birthday of hitler at 4/20/1959 is dead center from 7/16/1945 to 1/22/1973. There is much more to this.

Consider the sign of the first babylonian king, nimrod/sargon who was falsely deified as a sungod 1776AM is the X. Who on this earth has a mental erection for “X”? A social media platform had its names changed to X. elon musk has a son named X and his space company is called Space X.

To show a complicitness with hegelian dialectic and controlled opposition musk’ birthday 6/28/1971 is exactly 666 weeks after the first failed attempt by the Russians with Luna A on the contrived Gregorian birthday of Jesus Christ 9/23/1958. Here look at the math and dates just on this…



Scroll down in the above link and see it exploded on launch 9/23/1958 and finally the birthdate confirmed in the link below.


From the “One small step for man. one giant leap for mankind.” day 7/20/1969 to trumpster’s inauguration yesterday was exactly 666 months. From the birth of hitler 4/20/1889 to the first trump inauguration 1/20/2017 is 6666 weeks and he was 70 years 7 months and 7 days old that day.

His grandmother, the matriarch of the trump real estate empire died 6/6/66 exactly 6 years 6 months and 6 days from the Antarctica Treaty signed 12/1/1959. Is the fabled German NewSchwabenland base there or does Greenland have remnants of the Roman Empire? That remains to be seen. Either way in the Hegelian dialectic the masses are being led to the cliff’s edge. Time to wake up.

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Wow! That's a lot of very interesting "coincidences"! The thing is, I don't believe in coincidence! Thanks for the share Doug! Have you written this up as an article?? It's very worthy :)

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I have a lot of information from over 33 years of research. There is definitely a system that the darkside uses and everything points to a sentient black cube computer being immersed in the Atlantic Ocean in the devil’s triangle.

I need help compiling it in book form. I have a friend that has tried to make a graph that shows all of the connections. They are mathematically precise and span decades, centuries all the way to Creation. In many instances biblical math, particularly the Book of Daniel comes to life.

The darkside has a plan to kill God and his creation with an AI replacement on 12/21/2112. They fail but the pathway for their false beliefs was created. The end of the mayan calendar is 12/21/2012. The date started a final one hundred years countdown to 12/21/2112.

In 1976 the Rush album 2112 was released on the roman new year 4/1. On 4/11/1976 the human chromosomes birthday of anton lavey, apple’s first computer the apple one was released for 666.66 dollars. 1976 marks the 100 + 46 year count. A mirror exist on the other side of this when julius caesar created the longest year 46BC.

The word “computer” in English gematria = 666. It = 528 in Jewish gematria.

Take a look at a supernova event that occurred with its appearance on the future birthday of the US 7/4/1054AD. It disappeared on 4/6/1056AD. Did the event create a midpoint? When the other things I have found are consistent with this method it appears so.

528hz is the healing code. 528x2=1056x2=2112.

The seed source of the 2112 concept is in the life of Christ and the darkside effort to create antithetical expressions through time.

Christ preached in the physical temple on his 12th birthday on Passover and then preached to the prisoner of hades 21 years after dying on the cross at Passover. 2112 + 1221 =3333 which is a code in itself.

Christ died for our sins on Passover Friday 4/3/33AD at 3PM Jerusalem time. He said, It is finished and the false timeline took over at that point and has brought us where we are today.

The 3333 code has been used in the assasinations of at least 3 US presidents. Once you see this you cannot unsee it.

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I really hope you can bring your knowledge to the public through publishing... In the meantime, get this information out there.. START YOUR SUBSTACK! You have all the information. People would Love it...

Format it.. Come up with titles, add some images and off you go.. I'd be happy to recommend knowledge such as yours... Your book "sales" won't be effected if you publish here.. You will have a following to sell it to!

Do it!!

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Thank you 🙏 all for sharing, I may not contribute much, but am very grateful.

As a targeted individual, I emphasise and pray we all keep our sanity, soul on the good road. 👍🏻

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My pleasure Juliangelo. Stay strong!

Know that

"You are fully in control of your Body, Mind and Soul"

Repeat this in the morning and and in the evening for protection and to nullify foul programming.


"The nature of the beast gets CLEARER every day,

and because it's getting clear we can make it go AWAY"

This gives you insights and knowing to see through the deception and tricks being played on you and that we will overcome.

We are more powerful that we realise... This is why they attempt to deceive and oppose us.

Much love and resilience 🙏🏽💜✨

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Good article. Pretending this is all difficult and in reality doing it for a decade.

Brain to brain interfaces ... anyone? See my post. Non invasive. Rice university some years ago.

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