The Half Brain Society
Why World Leaders keep us stupid while they prioritize profits, war & death over happiness & life
I feel betrayed once again. My Mum turning up here with lunch all cooked with a big LUMP on her arms which she says is “SORE”.
“Why?” I asked
“Because I just went and got a SHINGLES shot” she replies
SIDE NOTE: I will be covering the subtleties of the RIDICULOUS LOGIC used to justify having a “vaccine” for an apparent “virus” that allegedly lays DORMANT in the system of those who have had chicken pox and only reactivates if their immunity falls. Why are we vaccinating with a dormant virus if the dormant virus ALREADY EXISTS? And why have we seen such and an increase in Shingles even in the younger cohorts since the COVID shots were given?
So needless to say I am angry. I am also disappointed in her but I am very angry at the DECEITFUL ESTABLISHMENT who have already shown that their care for the ELDERLY is NON EXISTENT. Quiet the contrary. They wish death upon them!
The pandemic THEY needed to have
To clarify this claim you need not look further than the handling of people in Old Peoples homes including the very high proportion of deaths in these settings during the FARCE of a pandemic. In the UK the health minister Matt Hancock was caught practically red handed in a video that shows him discussing with a college if they had enough POISONOUS Midazolam (a sedative drug given to people in palliative care to ease them into DEATH) to give the people in these homes to “calm them down”. By government policy it was to be given with Benzo-diazepines or Opiates just to make sure they were no longer breathing to be stressed about all the media hysteria that was being pumped out on TVs, radios and the internet 24/7 to convince people that we were indeed in a pandemic (even though there was not).
Those who were lucky enough to get admitted to hospitals for their “special” kinda care (again dictated by strict policy from the top down), you might have been met with a “no food, no water, no visitors policy”. High in fear and unknowns and low in personal care and answers. If your condition worsened then it your might have been lucky enough to be put on a VENTILATOR – set to 100% to burst your lungs which is almost guaranteed to put an end to your sufferings of GROSS medical malpractice.
Regardless of which way you went it was sure to be counted as a COVID DEATH! I mean, stupid not to for any Hospital business, considering the DEATH BONUSES they were receiving from on high.
This was not the PANDEMIC we “needed to have”. It was a carefully orchestrated GENOCIDE which we are STILL FEELING THE EFFECTS OF NOW. Both in DEATH, HEALTH, MENTAL HEALTH and financially. The number of excess deaths in Australia since the shot was administered would now exceed 50% of the deaths of Australian Soldiers encountered during WWII.
It was a pandemic to WEAKEN and CONTROL the people, who those in power are THREATENED by. Simply due to their numbers, combined wealth and world experience.
These DEATHS, were not because of a “virus” which likely never even existed . The PCR tests were rigged to give false positives. And the real virus is a self-replicating, cell-invading, shedding and spreading NANO-TECH, Gene-Therapy contained in the shots, our foods our water and even our AIR!
They were due to a deliberate coordinated attack against THE PEOPLE to kill off the ELDERLY because it was a LUCRATIVE move. What I’m saying is that the ELDERLY were worth MORE to them DEAD than ALIVE.
It IS that SIMPLE!
The missing half
The world is already led SOLELY by a cartel of Bankers, Illuminati and the Military Industrial Complex those who only consider LEFT BRAIN values. These are the MASCULINE. Logic, sequencing, language, “facts”, mathematics, science and analysis. A testament to the LEFT BRAIN, patriarchal, material, war-mongering, CONTROL FREAK establishment we are ruled under, and have been for centuries! They forgo the principals of compassion, intuition, emotion and holistic thinking. They see every entity apart from themselves as something to overcome, tame or defeat. Let’s look at these qualities:
There is NO HEART PRESENT in the values of the LEFT BRAIN. Heart, compassion, consideration, holistic approaches and emotion are found only in the RIGHT or FEMININE. These are VOID in the LEFT or MASCULINE, and also VOID in Western Culture.
If you want to know just how persecuted those who have followed the way of the HEART, right-hand feminine brain have been, just think about how the establishment used to treat those people who were left handed! Being a lefty is an indication of a right brain dominant person - intuitive, emotional and creative. Only 50 years ago, a student would get the cane for using their left hand to write. They were FORCED to use their right hands and were seen as children of the “devil”. Quiet the contrary, these were children of GOD. Was this view seeded into the church community to force these qualities out of the society? Was it an early form of eugenics, an attempt to cleanse these intuitive, visionary, big-picture people out of the populace? Or was this just a sign or what was occurring in the larger society?
The Matrix of Illusion
Is this not what is happening now with those who speak truth against the establishment being discredited, de-platformed, censored or targeted in their homes for nothing more than independent thought. Evolution is not what we have been told. There is a creationist force. ITS YOU! It’s me. It is every soul with intention and free will. Our genetics are not as we have been told either.. They mold and change to our needs and answer to our souls calling.
The ultimate evolution for humankind is to recall our natural state where the left and right brain faculties are in sync with one another allowing logic and reason to MERGE and flow with intuition, imagination and compassion. This allows VISION and puts us back in touch with our true nature where our true potential can be attained.
This is the MATRIX of ILLUSION we currently find ourselves in. Our connection to SPIRIT and SOUL, INTUITION and ONENESS have been severely and delibrately severed.
We are told MONEY and POSSESSIONS are the object of LIFE and not HAPPINESS and CONNECTION (it’s no coincidence that the word possessions contain the word POSSESS as to be slave to these possessions one becomes POSSESSED).
We are told the ONLY smarts, is ACADEMIC SMARTS, while ignoring our EMOTIONS. To make matters worse our academia is largely coerced and funded by the same interests whose only concern is PROFITS and POWER. It is PRUDENT for those interests to keep the masses dumb and compliant. As a quote from Rockefeller goes relating to education whom he was the grand father of it’s creation as we know it in western society (paraphrasing):
“I want them smart enough to DO the job but dumb enough not to over throw me.”
The EVIL History of our Education System (Documentary) – Jake Tran
This is the ideology that Western Education (and politics), as we know it, was FOUNDED ON. And these principals continue today. Education has become DETRIMENTAL to many as individuals within these institutions are led astray by the principals designed to keep the establishment in power!
This is why we see so many “educated” graduates spouting Marxism and all-in on concepts that are blatant methods of control such as over-population, trans-humanism and climate change. These people have effectively been indoctrinated to these causes and cannot see the problems inherent in these careful crafted LIES. They are effective in supporting the causes of those who wish to dominate and control them and their families.
Our society is crippled in the face of these attacks against a society that encourages left brain use while our leaders use these short comings to FOOL us into blindly following, all the while denying our SCREAMING INTUITION and HEARTS.
We are One!
We are told we are separate from each other, when we are all part of the SAME!
Color, creed, nation, religion, sex, gender, age - WE ARE ALL ONE. Part of the same thing. Our minds form a collective. This CAN be accessed, WITH THE RIGHT-HAND BRAIN… It’s what one might call, intuition or “sixth-sense”. It’s an ability that is present when left and right brains work in concert. It is our ability to communicate with the collective consciousness, the ALL or God.
The chemicals present in our water, dental treatments, foods, air and medications aim to diminish our connection to the divine, while our leaders lead us down a path to destruction.
The poisonous frequencies inherent in everything from our MUSIC to our Wifi and Telecommunications systems are designed to weaken our divine connection! This isn’t by accident. This has been the aim all along. To decimate the growth and abilities of the human race as a species!
The ability to access intuition, the gift of collective foresight and Spirit is inherent inside ALL OF US! But we have been told by our authorities, universities, health authorities, mental health authorities and legal authorities that this DOES not EXIST! WHY?
Why have we been lied to? WHY have deliberate steps been take to ENSURE this FACT is HIDDEN from the public? Agencies related to the Department of Defence (DOD) such as the CIA have all but confirmed these abilities as fact. Quantum Science brings us closer to proving these realities every day. Realities that many Eastern cultures have known for millennia.
We are SPIRITUAL BEINGS. Our true nature lays in our ESSENCE. This ESSENCE is not a solid or liquid or gas. It is ETHEREAL! It’s the very life force that animates us, connects us and surrounds us.
Why is our INTUITION not something we learn about in Primary School?
Why is our true ETHEREAL nature not something we are taught to harness?
Why is our ability to FEEL and SEND energy across space and time not something WE ARE TAUGHT to do?
Why are our psychic abilities, that are known to our establishment and their shadowy controllers being HIDDEN from the populace?
Everyone has had that experience, where they think of someone and they suddenly call.
“Oh I was just thinking of you” we say and LAUGH it away as a COINCIDENCE.
We are ETHEREAL BEINGS in a WORLDLY BODY, trapped in a construct, where every move has been taken to SUPPRESS and MISLEAD us! It’s an ILLUSION! We are MORE POWERFUL than most of us has the ability to IMAGINE!
At present our society is sick! Those who rule, do so by CUTTING YOU OFF from your RIGHT HAND BRAIN, your INTUITION and full psychic capabilities! They tell you to DENY IT!
They give you cheap IMITATIONS to distract you from it! Cell phones for communication, Brain computer interfaces promising Synthetic Telepathy! All imitations of what we have forgotten as our natural ability.
Why do you think they ran 24 hour coverage of the DEATH COUNT during the pandemic… WHEN YOU ARE IN FEAR you CANNOT access these greater parts of the brain and collective. Your REPTILIAN brain, the one that is concerned with only reaction and survival kicks in, rendering your upper faculties USELESS. In a natural, relaxed and POSITIVE state, these areas become accessible. Giving you access to a greater field of view and to the collective wisdom and consciousness of the ages.
All the while they remain calm, while inciting fear in us, and USE this reaction FOR THEMSELVES to COERCE, CONTROL and LEAD YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES ASTRAY! Through emotional manipulation. Shortening your LIVES. Effecting the quality of your lives. Normalizing SLAVING DAY AFTER DAY making THEM RICH in the process while denying your very heart and soul!
A glimmer of Hope
This construct of reality is a representation, a reminder, of what we experience when the right -hand, feminine qualities are denied. Our society represents this TRUTH!
Our leaders, the UNSEEN at the LOFTY tops of this grand OAK of Society think they can KILL OFF THE TRUNK and continue to SURVIVE..
Tell me, have you have seen a tree or plant, THRIVE at the TOP while its supporting trunk or stem has been decimated?
What happens when you RING-BARK are tree?? The HEAD WILL DIE before the trunk!
The attacks we see on HUMANITY, REEK of ill-thought and a total LACK of COMPASSION and FORESIGHT. They ATTACK THEIR OWN BODY, the very thing that provides them with SUSTENANCE to survive. Even a parasite KNOWS to keep the HOST BODY ALIVE. Yet somehow these PEA-BRAIN FOUL creatures of DARKNESS have missed this very OBVIOUS point.
At the moment, the tree is FLOURISHING at the top at the expense of the supporting trunk and lower branches. The top REQUIRES sustenance being carried by the roots and trunk to continue to flourish. Without this – The HEAD SHALL DIE!
There is a change coming… I can feel it in my BONES…
Our leaders in the west have committed TREASON. For my Australian readers (and all western nations) I recommend that you read up in COMMON LAW.
There are resources in most countries specific to your region online.. Search with a TRUSTED search engine and you shall find!
My left brain thinks i am too emotional about it. My telepathy agent miles away doesn't care.!
Sie werden sich ,so wie es in-ihren Büchern-geschrieben steht,genügend Vieh erhalten….wenn eine weitere Lücke an Bediensteten-Sklaven entsteht ,wollen sie diese mit -High Tech
Robotern auffüllen….
Bald wird das-Zeitfenster-für uns geschlossen sein,wo wir es abwenden können…..oder der wahre Vater greift ein, interveniert!!! Oder ihr eigener vermeintlicher Erfolg tilgt sie….(und uns)