My left brain thinks i am too emotional about it. My telepathy agent miles away doesn't care.!

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Sie werden sich ,so wie es in-ihren Büchern-geschrieben steht,genügend Vieh erhalten….wenn eine weitere Lücke an Bediensteten-Sklaven entsteht ,wollen sie diese mit -High Tech

Robotern auffüllen….

Bald wird das-Zeitfenster-für uns geschlossen sein,wo wir es abwenden können…..oder der wahre Vater greift ein, interveniert!!! Oder ihr eigener vermeintlicher Erfolg tilgt sie….(und uns)

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Yes they really are a bunch of short-sighted psychopaths... The whole thing will fail. And a monument of their disgrace will become a tourist attraction.....

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COVID was a test. Those behind these satanic agendas needed to gauge societies reaction. Being the data fiends they are. They have now attained their data and are perfecting the next pandemic. In the mean time they are silencing the free thinkers and individuals who see past their veil. When we are gone they will have a free rein to control their zombie like subjects.

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The breakdown chart you've posted isn't correct. While it seems clear that the right brain is more emotionally-oriented and the left brain is indeed far more logical, facts-based, and masculine, the left brain also has very big picture thinking and intuitive tendencies. In my opinion, the big picture thinking and intuition that comes from that in the left brain is far more clairvoyant. The right brain is more socially oriented, which leads to a lot of group think and sensationalism bias, which is in my opinion why we are where we are today—because people follow the herd. People whose concern is with how society view things follow the world, and are less inclined to follow God. In my opinion, the left brain's intuition comes from the truth angle, while the right brain's intuition comes from the social angle. These biases can be equally evil. The desire to socially dominate and oppress others comes from the right brain. If you take the current phenomenon of Satanic Inversion for example, you will find the drive for that comes from sick and twisted socially-oriented obsessions. Also, the bias I always see about right brains being more creative seems to be based on our flawed perceptual biases. A social-oriented brain is more apt to pitch something in a given art medium in a way that is more in tune with our senses, and thus plays on our emotions in a way that we perceive as more "creative", but this does not mean that it is more creative in an absolute sense. In fact I feel that the socially oriented creative approach can definitely be more of a reaction and appeal to the sensibilities of others than a left brain creative approach, which drives directly at the essence of the thing. For instance, you might not be visually inclined, but that image you chose for this article doesn't really speak to me about visual skills or creativity so much as sensationalism and conformity with some of the image generation trends that are currently popular. Dostoevsky had myopia in the left eye and I truly believe if you look hard enough, you will find that his works have been copied by many authors and throughout Hollywood. Also, the entire field of psychology is in debt to him as Freud called The Brothers Karamazov the most important psychological work ever written. That being said, Dostoevsky did sort of elude to the left side being more evil (with the evils of socially engineered Communism in sight), so I will give you that. However, the essence of his work evades categorical imperatives as the evil which is associated with that left side, so to judge the entire matter based on categorical imperatives would be to give into the evil itself that you are purporting to disparage. It even feels almost amputational. If a left brain is overwhelmingly more aware of the evils of left-sided thinking than a right brains and consciously and spiritually is drawn away from them, does that not result then in something entirely different? Would we not then be making too hasty a conclusion in categorically asserting that right is good and left is bad?

The human brain is very complicated, and rarely is anything ever so clear cut as you sweepingly describe it in this article. As Dostoevsky says in The Brothers Karamazov, "psychology is a double-edged sword." To sum things up, I would emphasize that while the right brain is indeed more emotional and the left brain more logical, these conclusions about big picture thinking, intuition, visual skills, and creativity are not correct. Depending on the situation, the inverse can be true, as I have personally experienced day in and day out living in a left-sided brain (through no choice of my own). In my opinion, at least as regards our contemporary world, the emotional and social orientation of everyone in society has led people further and further away from big picture thinking and intuition, while tanking creativity to an all time low. And to take what the Bible says as of highest importance, the Spirit is what is matters most, not whether we are led more by our emotions and the gift of being able to work with people, or by the the gift of being able to discern between good and evil.

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Some very good points Patrick. I should clarify that I am not suggesting that the right hand brain is in any way superior to that of the left. Quite the contrary, that denying the characteristics inherent in one side or the other is folly.

In order to be balanced as a person both sides are required in order to operate from a balance of rational and compassionate. Logical Intelligence and Emotional intelligence can be harnessed in concert to each other effectively allowing for a union of both the masculine and feminine qualities.

I can see the point you are making regarding your evaluation of communist/Marxist principals being related more to right-hand. But what I see is the EXPLOITATION of the right-hand emotional intelligence to manipulate the masses.. An act that is very much conducted in a LEFT-BRAIN LOGICAL and formulaic manner reminiscent of any finely tuned WAR MACHINE.

In terms of measuring "creativity", this is obviously a very difficult and subjective topic to speak on.

So I guess you could say there is no doubt, that those that rule, have access to some very right-brained people. Verily those who are writing the stories and inducing the SPELLS cast upon the masses are very very aware of the effect that symbology and language plays on the psyche on the populace.

I believe that TRUE creativity actually occurs where both hemispheres are being utilised and a connection to the ALL, collective consciousness is being made.

I don't think one side or the other is evil or good...

They are a both necessary and optimal when in BALANCE.

True creativity and insight does not come from someone who is bogged down in details or denying their intuition.

Just as it doesn't come from someone who denies logic and ignores their perception.

A society that only embraces emotion at it extreme would look very different to what we see now. Although I can see what you are say relating o the use to emotion to control the populace (like the woke movement, or "save the planet" sentiment). But this isn't real emotional intelligence. It's USING peoples emotions to fool them. COLD and Calculated i.e. LEFT-BRAIN....

This was the main gist of the article.. Attempting to highlight the need for BOTH sides of the coin to be utilised.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment. I enjoy hearing from deep thinking articulate people that make me think.

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