Synthetic Schizophrenia
Is mental illness being induced in our society through Electromagnetic Frequencies?
The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.
– John F. Kennedy - US President (1961)
There are many areas within our society where information has been hidden from the public with mental health being one of the most tightly guarded and misled. One of the main culprits of this are our core institutions and mental health is no exception.
As the old adage goes “knowledge is power” and there are those with much wealth and influence in this world. But what do you give The Man who has everything? Not content with having a monopoly in both power and money, the self-proclaimed “elite” have been planning to implement the phase of their agenda which is no less than WORLD DOMINATION via MIND CONTROL.
This is currently playing out and is evident in the rising levels of fascism currently present in all Western so-called “DEMOCRACIES” and beyond. Much of the populace see liberalism. Yet another group see many impostors that have infiltrated the liberal movement in order to instill fascism.
The largest GLOBAL investment firms use their investment power to dictate policy for large corporates who dictate government policy through lobbying and media manipulation, using money from the people’s retirement funds. As is the fascist doctrine, all parties are well looked after… except THE PEOPLE.
Our government agencies are WEAPONIZED against THE PEOPLE in the form of ever widening surveillance, censorship and the use of covert energy weapons capable of 24/7 surveillance, mind control and manipulation of ALL citizens in all effected countries.. This is not just a western society issue but is occurring throughout the world.
Hidden Science - The war against Citizens and TRUTH
There are those who have desired total control and domination over man since long before even JFK was in power. This is evident from his infamous speech outlining the SHADOW state being the BIGGEST THREAT to humanity even more than 50 years ago1 . Everyone knows how his vow to “scatter to the wind” the shadowy DEEP STATE turned out. If they were actually the BIGGEST threat BEFORE his death, what about AFTER?
But how would a group of infinitely WEALTHY and INFLUENTIAL actors achieve such control? Surely the people would not have a bar of it! One only has to look at the advances and findings in the areas of NEUROSCIENCE, Telecommunications Technology, Electromagnetic Engineering, the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, Genetics and ENERGETIC FIELDS (meridians) to answer this question. Particularly the parts that have been withheld from the public in order to ensure their plans for TOTAL CONTROL are not realised and thwarted!
In order to maintain the illusion of a functioning society those who see the reality must be silenced, made to look crazy or disposed of and information pertaining to methods of mind and body control and manipulation must be kept from the public and twisted in such a way as to deceive and misdirect them. What people know as “common knowledge” is often just plain wrong.
The BRAIN Project Commences
In 2013 Obama announced a US led initiative in coop with China and EU, to commit $400 million in funding to what they termed the “BRAIN Project”. Neuroscience is something of a siren call to those that desire ultimate control. Unfortunately those attracted to positions of power, some among the most influential positions in all areas of society, tend tend to be sociopaths and psychopaths. And mental health has always been a nebulous “science” with many falsehoods being seen as TRUTHS. The mind is a wondrous thing and is capable of much flexibility, resilience and fortitude. But a deliberate Attack ON THESE VERY QUALITIES has been in the works for DECADES.
A recent article pushed to many phones by the illustrious Google attempts to dispel the reality of remote brain wave reading by stating within the first paragraph EXPLICITLY that the brains in this article were read via “node inserted in the brain”. Yet this is no longer required and hasn’t been for years. In-fact the Internet of things and the IEEE have protocols explicitly designed for this type of WIRELESS information exchange on what is called the Body Area Network (BAN).
Needless to say the number of papers relating to findings in the area of neuroscience and wireless communications has grown exponentially over the last 20 years.
The existence of the electrical circuits that flow around the body is an example of the withheld ancient knowledge that has been kept from the public in order to gain monetary advantage as well as military advantage as this knowledge can be used to both heal and harm.
All of our body parts belong to one of 8 channels of energy that flow around the body. These are known in Chinese medicine as Meridians. The way this energy flows is NO DIFFERENT to the way an ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT flows. Disease or dis-ease is simply the lack or excess of electricity flowing through the specific channels in the body.
Technological Hallucination
Many people being diagnosed as Schizophrenic ARE ACTUALLY EXPERIENCING targeted Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) Attacks that use Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) or ULTRASONIC frequencies (between 14.9kHz and 16.0kHz) emanating from WiFi/Bluetooth devices, phone towers or even satellites that use Beam-Forming/Steering technology to hit the head with a series of MODULATED PULSES that trick the mind into thinking they are hearing sounds, voices or other audio [INSERT VIDEO OF DIRECTED ULTRASONIC AUDIO]. This is known as Voice to Skull, Voice of GOD or V2k and has been known about for nearly 50 years with Frey and Messenger (1973) and Guy, Chou, Lin and Christensen (1975) confirming that microwave pulses with a short square-wave fall off would induce an auditory response in the brain. This has been perfected over the decades to allow complex audible messages to be sent directly into a person’s brain.
Many are subjected to this form of aural torture 24/7 non-stop. Ultrasonic attacks can also be directed to specific individuals from Audio sources from complicit platforms such as YouTube, Netflix and Facebook. Those perpetuating these crimes against humanity can also target the meridians (electrical fields) of the body exciting nano receivers positioned along these energy channels inducing pain and strange sensations in any area in the body inducing ailments from discomfit and headaches to heart attacks
Schizophrenia is used as an excuse for the high tech harassment instigated by the intelligence agencies supported by Big Tech and massive monetary interests. The aim is to drive the target crazy and eventually cause them to kill themselves or BRAINWASH the target into performing useful actions such as inducing domestic violence in an attempt to separate families or shooting up a school in order to produce ANTI-GUN sentiment to facilitate DISARMING the populace. After-all, the last thing FASCISTS want is an ARMED and CAPABLE populace. And what better way to dispose of a dissenting voice than by having them get killed while acting out a command as a brainwashed Manchurian Candidate for their cause?
Our Governmental Agencies, Big Tech and Monopolistic Corporates might just be one of the biggest contributors to the growing number of MENTAL ILLNESS cases we are now seeing in our society around the globe.
Disinformation for the Masses
The idea of creating “boogeymen”, in order to justify the ever-tightening grip of an authoritarian regime, is not a new one. It is one thing to take peoples rights away, but quiet another to make them demand their rights be taken away.
All of the media policy and health advice around these conditions is suspect. It is intended to ensure the continuation of what is a foul disgusting experiment upon the unsuspecting public.
If you know someone who had a condition like this and eventually took their own life, you should consider asking your local MP to call for investigation into Australia's lax EMF standards that allow EMF exposure more than 100 times greater than Chine or Russia! They should also ask for investigation into technologies such as V2k, the funding going into over-kill telecommunications technologies such as 5G (placed every 500 meters in built up areas), satellite technology and the use of personal devices (like mobile phones) that enable this form of disgusting torture and harassment.
Disinformation is peddled by the purveyors of these foul attacks permeating our media and psych journals alike. They wish to ensure that their foul game of cat and mouse remains unfettered by investigation and that those they are torturing are discredited, drugged and labelled as crazy.
It’s quite the coincidence that the side-effects of the drugs that are commonly prescribed to those labelled Psychotic or Schizophrenic just happen to be the very same side-effects as those experiencing symptoms of EMF attacks including suicidal thoughts. This results in those people who are experiencing these symptoms having no recourse when presenting to an emergency or police department reporting as a victim of these crimes. One of the first questions asked in either case is always “Are you on any medication?”
An affirmative response will always result in the assumption that the person is mentally ill and is only experiencing these symptoms as a result of the medications. How convenient for those who are perpetuating these foul attacks.
Eternal end of the Sovereign Mind
Often targets will describe being surveyed or watched. This is possible through a number of mechanisms. Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM)2 can be facilitated through the introduction of nano particulates, which can be injected, eaten, inhaled from the air3, absorbed through the skin or otherwise consumed and are regularly introduced into our food, water and even air through chem trails that install themselves as nanosensors or biosensors into the synapses of the brain and throughout the body.
See the following article for information on how to tell if you have been infected with nanotechnology:
These can be ACTIVE or PASSIVE sensors. Passive sensors work similar to RFID technology in that they can be “beamed” by a phone, PC, satellite or phone tower. They require no power source due to the fact that the radio frequency “excites” them allowing them to return an unique identifier and the state of the synapse in the brain being monitored. For example tiny sensors located in each synapse throughout the brain would allow the "state" of the brain to be "read" or monitored remotely in real time then ran through an AI that maps the individuals unique brain activity while doing known activities such as reading a post on Facebook, writing an email or watching a program on YouTube, Netflix or even reading any web page that happens to be using Google’s Analytics platform which can record many details about your visit including where your cursor is on the page at any given time. RFID technology is not magic or fallacy, and can even be used to identify objects at very long distances from space!
Over time with the help of big data and AI a picture is derived from the monitoring the electrical activity in the brain that will allow those monitoring to convert a persons thoughts to text and even decode what they are picturing in their minds eye! Even your dreams are not safe from the prying eyes of Big Brother (or is that Creepy Uncle?). Once again this is not magic and details can be found in MSM regarding this apparent “breakthrough”: See Meta uses AI to Read your MIND4!
If only they used it for good instead of the foul ways they have chosen to use it while hiding it from the public… But I guess that’s why they hide it from the public.
Meta has an AI that can read your mind & draw your thoughts!
The Five Eyes of Fascism
There are countless examples of people who have been effected by this technology, but in the most part they are discredited by the media or mentioned in passing, never fully exploring the possibility that what is being experienced could actually be possible. This is largely due to the fact that many of the capabilities have been deliberately hidden from the public and even ridiculed via very public displays or on the news, current affairs programs and even TV shows where “half-truths” abound. Even though articles clearly state that defence departments were exploring these newly found capabilities more than 10 years ago5! Do you think this research has stopped? Then why has the trail gone cold in the media? Why have we not heard more about these apparent “breakthroughs”?
Reports on current affairs program 60 minutes on what has been termed Havana Syndrome made it look like these targeted attacks were one off freak occurrences that could only happen in communist countries decades ago! They divert the public from the possibility that this tech could be weaponised against the people by intelligence agencies by stating that the same intelligence agencies “have investigated these occurrences” and “believe the problem either doesn’t exist” of if does it is “from RUSSIA” or the like. This is obviously not the case considering reports of US CITIZENS BEING ATTACKED ON US SOIL and the hearing by the House Homeland Security Committee On Foreign Anomalous Health Incidents6.
Even parties instrumental in the development of these systems such as CIA Neuroscientist Dr J Giordano has spoken publicly about the reality of these systems sharing “half-truths” designed to misdirect the public and divert blame of any attacks of US citizens to Russia, Cuba or China, as in the case of the highly publicised “Havana Syndrome”. Giordano has also been recorded in CIA 2017 briefings speaking of how nanotech and neuroscience can now be used to influence and control the minds of the people including methods for handling dissenting voices and those who are problematic to their obvious global take over plans7.
Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future
Another example of this misdirection is how Neurolink’s founder Elon Musk, our worlds “richest man”, is apparently attempting to create the worlds first consumer level Brain Computer Interface (BCI) through EMBEDDING physical fibres into the brains of the recipients. The perception painted from this well covered and very public display is laughable and insidious in more ways than one.
First of all it is known that nano tech can achieve the same results remotely using wireless tech called a Body Area Network (BAN) without invasive surgery and and secondly, more insidiously, they will happily perform INVASIVE surgery on unsuspecting fools putting their lives at risk just so they can sway the public’s perception of what is possible. Thirdly they will be sure to capitalise on the release of version v2.0, v3.0 charging dearly for each well advertised “must-have upgrade” eventually releasing the “non-invasive” model 20 years after the tech was created! As they say “it’s just BUSINESS”.
Whether Elon himself is aware of this fact that a non invasive version of the tech he is pushing is possible or if he is just a “useful idiot” is yet to be determined.
Useful Schizophrenia
There are many examples of what look like “neo-MK-Ultra-style” brainwashing related occurrences that are reported in MSM nearly every day.
Martin Bryant and his somewhat skilful shooting of many innocents in Port Arthur many years ago that facilitated the disarmament of the Australian public. Then there’s the dramatic increase in stabbings, suicides, car accidents, caring parents murdering their children, adults choosing to have limbs amputated because they felt like a “disabled person in an able persons body”, kids wanting to “be another gender” all go beyond what seems logical or probable in even the most psychologically damaged people.
Could it be these people were targets of MK Ultra-like brainwashing?? All of these occurrences contribute to the level of unease and demoralisation of a populace. Something that those who desire total control can leverage to their advantage.
The system has the capability to insert suggestions into ones mind while they sleep or even in real time with the target subject thinking they are having organic thoughts. But these are not their own.
This can be done through either imitation of the targets voice which they cannot distinguish from their own, or via subliminal ultrasonic V2k messages that are not consciously audible but have been found to penetrate and effect the sub-conscious mind. This coupled with the ability to effect the subject’s brain patterns such as inducing sleep or a hyper receptive state of being allows for a very effective and powerful result which has little defence except for countering the foul suggestions with POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS regularly.
The system can PREY on negative thoughts and has been designed to use these against you. THIS is why it is SO IMPORTANT to practice daily meditation, affirmation and positive thinking.
Affirmations repeated like:
“Foul suggestions just melt away” and
“I only take on suggestions that are positive and beneficial”are a good start.
Remember that your intention and affirmation is MUCH STRONGER to your subconscious than involuntary suggestions that have been planted. You only need to be conscious of foul misleading thought in order to redirect yourself to the light.
There is much evidence that the inter-body hardware required for the system to operate was largely deployed during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic via vaccines distributed to most countries.
PD Dr. Michael Nehls, medical doctor and internationally renowned molecular geneticist, outlines that the effects of the nano-tech laden vaccines induced something akin to an immune response in the brain making it more susceptible to fear-based programming and commands. This explains why the 24/7 fear campaign was all pervasive during this time.
The Indoctrinated Brain: Tucker Carlson Interviews Dr. Michael Nehls 8
Sane Lawyer goes on Insane Rampage!
In November of 2014 a man, Myron May went on a what appeared to be a crazy shooting spree killing 3 people before being shot dead by authorities9. This man, a lawyer, with no history of mental illness prior to the shootings, spoke of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) such as these being used to monitor him in real time. He also complained of attacks in various parts of his body such as his head and chest which could be explained by EMF attacks.
This is just one example of many similar occurrences that seem to be getting more and more common with mass shootings becoming common place in the US.
Well placed events such as these serve a great purpose for those looking for total control over the populace. Worldwide disarmament of the populace has been on their agenda for decades.
Targeting of individuals going Global
There are a considerable and growing number of individuals who believe they are being targeted by authorities globally. This is confirmed by the growing number of citizens being targeted in countries such as the US where the number of people being added to “watch lists” is growing at an exponential rate. In a document titled Estimated Numbers: Targeted Individuals & the Terrorist Watchlist containing information obtained through a Freedom of Information request by Author Richard Lighthouse it explores the disturbingly exponential rate civilian targets are being added to the targeted surveillance system under the guise of “terrorism”.
According to a civil lawsuit filed in 2014, it appears that the FBI refers to Targeted Individuals as “Non-Investigative Subjects,” and lists them on the Terrorist Watchlist. The U.S. government added more than 1.5 million names to its Terrorist Watchlist in the five year period between 2009 and 2014. They are adding about 300,000 names each year. This concerns many human rights organizations, who say that the government has become too aggressive in its efforts to keep the American public safe. By 2018, we can estimate that about 3.4 million names are on the list, many of them American citizens.
It is very possible that this technology has not only been deployed against HUMANITY as a whole but it is being actively used against the people every day through the use of AI with specific directives designed to decimate and demoralise the population.
Evidence of this technology being prevalent in South America prior to the pandemic which may have been a testing ground for many of these systems. Dr David Salinas Flores – Faculty of Medicine, National University of Mayor San Marco in Peru, South America, in his 2018 article titled The nanomafia: nanotechnology’s global network of organized crime writes:
One of the most perverse objectives of this mafia, the mind control, turning a person into an animal, machine or slave, would also be being promoted subliminally through intellectual swindles like the “emotional intelligence”, the so-called “intelligent control of emotions”, seeking that the society in the future accepts the use of nanobots under the argument of emotions self-control hiding that their mind will not really be auto-controlled but they will lose their control, since the person with nanobots could be controlled and spied through telemetry used by nanomafias or intelligence centrals; their brain and body will actually be under mind control by others.
– David Salinas Flores (2018)
The only way this could all be possible is through a compliant or wilfully ignorant Government who not only allow this but support it against it's own citizens. This is backed up by those other targeted individuals in other so-called democracies where those targeted are strong voices against the establishment, globalism and medical apartheid and where attempts to litigate against government agencies have been thrown out of courts even in the face of overwhelming evidence and expert testimony.
An excerpt from another patent highlights the apparent wide-spread use of these systems in Asia and the EU.
Origin of the problem : from 2015 to 2018 , there were large amount of victims in 22 provinces in China, Shanghai and Beijing municipalities have large number of collective protests against RNM & V2K technology abuse.
In addition , on Oct. 1 , 2015 , representatives from 17 countries in Berlin, Germany , hold a “ Covered Harassment Conference ” . The covered harassment is same thing with voice to skull & remote neural monitoring technology.
After a lot of times contacting with the victims in China mainland WeChat , emails and telephones , these victims ' thoughts were read and harassed at same time by some unknown Chinese institutions abusing these technology.
According to Zhong Zhiyong , the organizer and leader of anti - V2k & RNM torture in 22 provinces and cities in mainland China ( Zhong Zhiyong's affairs were also reported by the media “ The Epoch Times ” and he and other victims representatives also received interview with “ New Tang Dynasty TV ” ) . He told me directly by phone and WeChart almost all victims have the same experience:
quickly being read thoughts and could use their thoughts to hold silent thoughts conversations with operators ( ROD ) using devices of V2K & RNM . Including a Chinese victim has been a lawful permanent resident in United States is still quickly being read thoughts and could use his thoughts to hold silent thoughts conversations with operators ( ROD ) using devices of V2K & RNM . But all these RODs are in P.R.China.
Even expert Whistle-blowers who helped design some of the subsystems of these technologies have not been heard. Many have ended up being targeted by the very weapons they helped to build, showing how cold and full of deceit this foul cartel really is. And how high up it’s members go.
In Aug 2024 Robert Duncan previous employee for DoD, CIA, DARPA, who actually assisted in developing parts of the worldwide surveillance and mind control systems used to TARGET individuals was found dead in his apartment at the YOUNG age of 53. His friends suspect foul play on behalf of the Government Agencies that he worked for. Having been a known target for these types of attacks and WRITTEN EXTENSIVELY on this topic Robert was seen as an AUTHORITY on these foul military systems.
This technology is rolled out across the globe in satellites and mobile phone towers, WiFi modems and Personal Mobile devices and Personal Computers (PCs). This shows a cooperation between Private Organisations and Powerful Individuals with individuals planted inside our military, Intel and government agencies.
Aussies in the Field
In 2008 an Aussie Telecommunications engineer when on a wild spree in an armoured tank taking out eight 5G mobile towers before being subdued. When asked why he did this he shared that they were a danger people and that they needed to be removed. He expressed that the amount of directed energy these could output was too high to be safely used.
A 2005 Aussie patent outlines a non invasive Artificial Telepathy that is a composite of these technologies (Voice to Skull (V2K), RNM, Body Area Networks/IEEE 812.x and Mobile/satellite technologies). This is one of over 100 patents in the field of remote electronic harassment, remote neurological/ emotional manipulation, V2K and RNM that have been released over the past 40 years. Below is a list of many patents related:
Due to the scale and severity of the crimes against humanity that are currently being committed in the implementation of such foul systems of control, the stakes are high and GROWING.
The establishment will do EVERYTHING it can to prevent information such as this being shared and disseminated to the general populace. This is evident in the new CENSORSHIP laws being PUSHED in ALL western countries where the GLOBAL HOSTILE take-over is currently in FULL SWING.
The SCARED make their biggest mistakes when they are desperate. Could we be starting to see cracks in the otherwise CALM multilayered-facade (that looks very much like the make up on the face of the the WHORE of BABYLON)??
John F. Kennedy’s – Last speech to the public
Meta has an AI that can read your mind & draw your thoughts!
or via the “Wayback machine” if the original link does not work:
Dr. James Giordano: The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future
Really nicely put.