EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG!!! The Ruling-Classes Weapons against Humanity REVEALED!
Are we being MANIPULATED by military-grade Artificial Intelligence and Hidden Neuroscience Trickery?
IMPORTANT: This information is not for the light of heart.
What is contained may induce feelings of anger and encourage you to CHANGE EVERYTHING!
Your life may never be the same again!
You have been warned…
Did you know that the has been a campaign to keep key technologies hidden from the you for many, many decades? Why have the wealthy, powerful entities kept this knowledge hidden from you for so long. Is it the MONEY? Or is there another more INSIDIOUS reason? The answer will make your head spin.
In 2013 Obama announced the commitment of $400 million towards a new initiative call the “Brain Project”. This was in conjunction with the EU and China to explore aspects of Neuroscience and was said to be to assist in the investigation of neurologically related conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and dementia. The real reason for this was obviously not for the good of humanity as a vast majority of this funding went to the CUTTING EDGE MILITARY organisation DARPA an entity KNOWN for the development of new technologies relating to MILITARY GRADE WEAPONS SYSTEMS.
In a Newsletter to Congress over 15 years ago, it was reported that many large department stores in the USA used a system that sent and INAUDIBLE (not consciously heard) voices encoded inside the music with a high pitch squeal (around 15,000 Hz) over their PA systems with messages threatening actions against shoplifters. This was reported to be effective in reducing shoplifting by as much as 80%! This is a SUBLIMINAL programming technique used to deter shoplifters. Even though they could not hear the messages consciously, the message was heard by their SUBCONSCIOUS and they responded to it. They had been COVERTLY BRAINWASHED!
The aim of the Ruling Class
You don’t need to be a genius to know that there is something very wrong with the world today. Everyday we hear reports of violent crimes, fires, accidents, stabbings, shootings and more. Division between the PEOPLE seems to be at an ALL TIME HIGH. This is FAR FROM ORGANIC. I suggest that these events have been CREATED as they are convenient to the ruling class, being policy makers and influential authorities working for MASSIVE MONETARY INTERESTS, CORPORATIONS while lying and deceiving the PEOPLE. These tumultuous events provide a way to instil FEAR into the populace and give reason to introduce ever more DRACONIAN laws under the guise of “keeping you safe”.
They are designed to have you pointing at your neighbours as enemies preventing us from UNITING together against those who wish us harm. Our rulers want us separated! Divide and Conquer! It makes their jobs so much easier. And they think of us as idiots!
A populace united is a threat to an establishment that has grown fat and powerful while deceiving at our expense. They have been feeding parasitically on the blood, sweat and tears of the people for FAR TOO LONG. And they will do everything to ensure that they continue to going forward.
While they are distracting you with FEAR and DIVISION, they continue to push their agenda for TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION through manipulation and force. Laws are being changed to ensure that their rule is ABSOLUTE. Look no further than the current push for CENSORSHIP of social media platforms for proof of this.
Let’s be very clear; These laws are designed to shut down YOUR voice. The news, often being coerced with tax payer dollars from our leaders, paints a different picture. They want you to think they are doing this to protect you. Yet no administration in history has introduced CENSORSHIP in order to PROTECT anything but themselves. This is always a precursor to DICTATORSHIPS as absolute rule cannot be attained without first SILENCING voices that OPPOSE and CALL OUT those in POWER.
This is not something that was done in RESPONSE to the threat of being called out for their crimes by STRONG voices, but rather something that has been identified as a risk long ago and actively mitigated to prevent strong voices from shutting down their foul actions.
There are also many other signs of this including a push to reduce population (less people are easier to control) and to emasculate and remove the strong voices from the populace. Strong males have been TARGETED for this purpose. Our streaming platforms and free-to-air stations push programs depicting effeminate and weak males and strong powerful woman. These techniques are all part of this initiative.
For years, woman have been encouraged to separate from their husbands, taking the children with them through financial incentive. This was always the intention. To break up the FAMILY to make the CHILDREN easier to get to while disabling the male who now has to pay double just to survive otherwise risk being labelled a BAD Father while only getting partial access to his children!!
People’s very identities are being targeted to instil confusion and doubt. TV programs and movies depicting DYSTOPIAN futures are rife! Hopelessness, weakness and despair are pushed in music on radio and TV. The children are being subverted and confused on topics such as gender and sexuality and more and more power is being taken off parents to capitalise on turning natural teen rebellion into broken families where children are being removed from their loving families, at the hand of the state. Children are told that their feelings are more important than RESILIENCE and TEMPERANCE and that other people should pander to them instead of encouraging mature DISCOURSE, RESILIENCE IN CHARACTER and resolving differences LIKE ADULTS. This cannot go on.
Victim mentality is being encouraged, while resilience of character is being frowned upon. The result is children COMPETING to see who is the most HOPELESS CASE with so-called “minorities” getting all the attention while others not in these categories have to grin and bear it out of fear for being called a bigot! It’s any wonder suicide and violent crime has gone through the ROOF.
Communications and Freedom of Movement
Did you know that every commercial messaging and email platform that you know by name has likely, at least in part, been infiltrated by the so-called intelligence agencies working as part of a fascist cartel of large private monetary interests including Big-Tech and other complicit entities?
In some cases, they can not only read, block and modify your messages IN REAL TIME but imitate your friends and family WITHOUT a WARRANT? This is LEGAL in Australia (which is a disgrace) and has been since early in the Pandemic (2020) where the “Identify and Disrupt” Bill was RUSHED through parliament with hardly a mention to the public. This is just part of a growing trend to stifle the VOICE OF THE PEOPLE in this Country and the World at large.
If your car is newer than ~1995 it can be disabled or stopped remotely by authorities using Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF). This is outlined in 1995 US Patent 5503059. This technology is already in use in Victoria to prevent dissidents from travel. The ECU is targeted causing an overflow in the Electronic Computer Unit (ECU) and resulting in the vehicle turning over but not starting. Other symptoms include what presents as a parasitic drain on the battery which disappears when the fuse for the ECU is removed.
Excessive targeting using this method can result in permanent damage including a failed starter motor or damage to the ECU and electrical systems of your vehicle.
This should be very useful for when they decide to lock us in our 15 minute KILL ZONES (see “15 minute cities” for more information).
Ferrites are iron cores that can be installed around the terminals of your battery to absorb excess electromagnetic energy that might be introduced into your car’s electrical system in order to induce these ailments. They can be purchased at electrical retailers. It would not surprise me that they start to blame SOLAR FLARES for these deliberate acts of VANDALISM on our property that we pay good money for but apparently whose control stays firmly in the hands of the FOUL establishment.
The VOICE of GOD or is it SATAN??
Did you know that a technology known as Voice to Skull (V2K), Voice of God or The Radio Frequency Hearing Effect has been around for more than 40 YEARS that allows the holder to send voices and sounds directly into a person’s head utilising various EMF’s emanating from WiFi devices, computers, Android TVs or even your mobile phones? US Patents (US3393279A & US3647970A) titled “Remotely cause individual to hear voices via EMF waves - imperceptible to anyone else.” were filed in 1962 and 1968 respectively outline a method for this hidden phenomenon. Many other patents outline similar effects and show that research in this area has been ONGOING.
This technology might account for large proportion of schizophrenia and psychosis diagnoses we have seen since the creation of these methods.
Studies have shown that you can send voices directly into a person’s head that cannot be heard consciously but still have an effect on the persons SUBCONSCIOUS. V2K combined with new age wireless devices such as mobiles, tablets and computers, make it possible to have a complex “all-knowing” Artificial Intelligence driven system send customised suggestions into the heads of an entire populace in REAL-TIME whether they are asleep or not swaying their perceptions and opinions.
These covert brainwashing techniques are self re-enforcing in that a person’s subconscious can be effected for the programming to become MORE EFFECTIVE.
Covert Brainwashing
Hypnotherapy 101 has shown that repeated lines targeted at the subconscious (for example while the person sleeps) are very effective in allowing people to break old habits, or start new ones.
For example, sending an unheard line “you are helpless to my suggestions” or “you will always do as I command” can effectively break down a persons free will rendering them open and easily swayed to future suggestions.
Little basic ques such as a sound (like a click for example) can be used as a precursor to commands basically programming the target to become alert and ready for command when they hear this sound (e.g. A person might be programmed with “when you hear a click you will fall under my command”).
The implications for such a system are terrifying when you consider that those who are harnessing these technologies, appear to lack any moral code. It suddenly becomes possible to USE PEOPLE LIKE PUPPETS or TOOLS!
Emotional Manipulation
What’s more is that US Patents for manipulation of peoples EMOTIONS (such as US6017302A - Inducing desired emotional state through remote EMFs. e.g., sleepiness, anger, happiness, sexual arousal) can be coupled with this technology in order to produce a STRONGER response. Remember that your personal devices such as phones, tablets and computers have the ability to produce these frequencies.
A husband might be WEAPONISED against his wife and programmed using subliminal V2K to be jealous of her actions. He might be programmed to think it’s MANLY to be violent against her.
At the same time she might be programmed to comment on HOW NICE their new male friend is and even INDUCED to feel HAPPY or ever AROUSED when she is around him. This coupled with a well timed INDUCTION of ANGER, via an emotion inducing system, in the husband would almost always result in a domestic violence case, even if he is not usually the “violent type”.
Mass shooter Lawyer Myron May spoke of being targeted for over six months by V2K technology (and other Direct Energy Weapons or DEWs) prior to him shooting 3 people before being shot dead by authorities in May 2014. The following outlines a Facebook post from Nov 2013, 6 months before the tragic event, where he spoke of his “handlers” a term commonly used by “Targeted Individuals” to refer to those communicating with V2K directly in their minds:
Look who’s talkin’
AI’s can now imitate the voice of ANY person, given only a small sample, so as to be indistinguishable from the original including tone and mannerisms. This coupled with the MASSES of data collected on each person by complicit Big Tech and rouge Intel Agencies whose alliances lay with large monetary interests is a VERY DANGEROUS combo indeed. How can we tell we are actually talking to someone without it being in person?
If you overhear your neighbour speaking on the other-side of the fence, how do you KNOW it was actually them? If you hear yourself speak to yourself in your head, it might be VERY difficult to know if it was really your thoughts or thoughts INSERTED!
If the Intel State is attempting to BAIT you, these are the techniques that they have at their disposal! As you can see, the potential for a person to be considered CRAZY in this scenario becomes very likely. Which is exactly what they want for those of us who know too much and refuse to be fooled by the lies. Strong voices against the establishment are targeted to this end. The aim is to have them considered crazy or even react in a way to “remove” them as a threat such as having them incarcerated or committed.
The Power of Suggestion
If you are the suggestible type your only hope is to practice POSITIVE AFFIRMATION to counter POISONOUS suggestions. This should be done as a minimum. Learn and understand the “Hermetic Principles” of opposing states such as love and fear, confusion and clarity, happy and sad or anger and calm being on a sliding scale and incorporate affirmations that allow moving from a negative state into a positive state. Practice these regularly in order to ensure you maintain control over your own actions.
Here are some examples:
I turn negative suggestions into positive suggestions
I turn confusion into clarity
I always remember what I need to remember
I dissolve illusion with illumination
I turn anger into calm productive actions
I only respond to beneficial suggestions
Customise these to improve the parts of yourself that need attention in order to reattain control over yourself. Your suggestions to YOURSELF are stronger than any planted suggestions. But MINDFULNESS is essential!
-- Socrates
Do not underestimate the power of suggestion. Everything that exists was born first out of thought. Affirmation is an INVALUABLE tool that can have you seeing results immediately. This is a useful fact they don’t teach you in school!
Our bodies are ELECTRIC!
The HUMAN BODY is governed by a number of electrical circuits known as MERIDIANS which can be manipulated to INDUCE or CURE dis-ease throughout the body. These pathways dictate the flow of energy around the body. Disruption to the pathways either through blocking or overloading can lead to immediate symptoms in any part of the body. Persistent blocking or overloading to these channels over time can manifest as ailments and dis-ease. This is what the ancient practices Acupuncture and Shiatsu and many other “alternative” healing practices are based on.
MERIDIANS can be manipulated REMOTELY using EMFs allowing induction of disease, heart attacks, stroke among countless other ailments, including neurological diseases.
The human organism is susceptible to Extremely Low and Low Frequencies (ELF and LF respectively) that can be used to induce emotions including love, hate, anger and fear. This has been known since the 60’s and is utilised against civilians widely today. This tech has the ability to induce sleepiness, fight or flight and even RIOTS in an otherwise peaceful group of people!
In South Korea in early 2022, 151 people died of what was reported as Cardiac Arrest and a further 80 were injured attending a street festival celebrating Halloween. The chances of this being an organic occurrence is next to zero. While this event reported the reason for this as being a result of “crushing”, the likelihood of this being the reality is very slim. First of all, fainting is more likely in these circumstances than heart attacks which tend to mainly occur in hot weather. The reported temperature on this day was between 6 and 18 degrees Celsius. Hardly sweltering. Could Low Frequency (LF) EMF have played a part in this UNUSUAL event??
Massive wireless frequency transmitter arrays such as HAARP have the capability to send these LF waves across the world effecting large areas of the populace. Being low Frequencies these can carry across VERY LONG DISTANCES without an issue and pass through even solid steel. On a side note these frequencies can be used to induce extreme weather events such as earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis.
Do you think the recent devastating winds in 3 RED states in the USA weeks before the election in November was just a coincidence?
Foul things come in small packages
It has been shown that the majority of the population have nano-particulates present in their blood which enables sensors to be built into their bodies allowing 24/7 surveillance and tracking vital signs like heart rate and BRAIN ACTIVITY! It has been shown by MICROSCOPY that nano-technology resides in VACCINES, DENTAL ANAESTHETICS, FOODS and even COCA-COLA and PEPSI (PLEASE check out David Nixon PhD and Ana Marie Mihelcea MD PhD on Substack for more information).
The ruling class regularly SPRAY the populace like PESTS with NANO-TECH developed by DARPA called SMART DUST from Aeroplanes which soaks into the skin or inhaled can then be use to build sensors and circuits within the body for tracking and monitoring the population.
Hollywood is complicit in what is a global attack on the people and is instrumental in ensuring that the illusion of a benign reality is upheld. It has recently spent millions remastering classic films to insert what is now considered a “typical sky” being a sky covered in chem trails. That’s right, they are ADDING CHEMTRAILS to MOVIES to NORMALISE this vista! This shows they have NO INTENTION of stopping this activity any time soon.
Disney pays man to paint Chem-trails in movies!
These foul actors also have the amazing ability to control the weather. They can induce rain, drought, floods even hurricanes and cyclones. They even have the ability to induce EARTHQUAKES!
This is NOT new tech. Geoengineering has been used for military purposes for over 50 years with Freedom Of Information (FOI) documents outlining its use during the Vietnam War and before. Laws exist in most countries governing GEOENGINEERING activities… But the reality is that these are being used in a covert and twisted manner.
They use “climate change” as the excuse for these programs saying it is GEOENGINEERING to rebound the apparent “harmful” UV rays to prevent “global warming”. But this is a lie to make people believe they are “saving the planet” while fumigating the populace with this foul insidious technology.
The SMART DUST being sprayed is part of the a system that is a culmination of YEARS of research and development in many fields. Biotech, Molecular Science, Medicine, Telecommunications, Neuroscience, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Psychology and Sociology.
AI driven systems designed to control the populace through mind and body manipulation and subliminal programming exist TODAY. These systems use tracking and monitoring facilitated by your bodies unique DNA radio signature. This tracking that allows targeted Manipulation of your BIO-ELECTRIC FIELD or Meridians.
These systems can and are being used to “Identify and Disrupt” those in the populace that are seen as a threat to what is a planned disgusting TOTALITARIAN regime parading as DEMOCRACY. Their aim is nothing less than TOTAL WORLD DOMINATION where, as the founder of the World Economic Forum (the WEF - an amalgamation of complicit, globalist, wealthy and powerful government and corporate actors, basically a cover for FASCISM) was quoted saying:
You will have nothing and you will be HAPPY!
-- Klaus Schwab (WEF Founder)
There is growing evidence that people now have photosensitive nano-tech built into their retinas allowing authorities to see what they are seeing. Our pupils now GLOW under UV light! THIS IS NOT NORMAL for non-nocturnal creatures! GET A UV TORCH FROM JAYCAR and see for yourself!
Mind Surveillance – The Ultimate Trespass
The number of people committing suicide, becoming uncharacteristically violent or exhibiting what seems like Psychosis or Schizophrenia are all on the RISE. I believe this is due to a system that is implementing nothing less than a eugenics based de-population agenda that encourages people to “end-it” or become violent in response to certain stimuli.
For example you might be triggered by people telling you that you are being MIND CONTROLLED or that the COVID JABS are harmful (to stop people from believing the truth!).
Covert affirmations like “You will get angry if people suggest you are not in control of your own mind” or “You get angry and disinterested if people try to talk about vaccines or suggest they are harmful” have likely been deployed against much of the populace.
There is no need to implant your brain with thousands of fibers in order to be able to read (and even write to) your brain a la Elon Musk’s Neuralink. This can be done via non-invasive and even REMOTE means using a combination of nanotechnology and Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) on a IEEE approved wireless protocol (similar to Bluetooth technology) for Body Area Networks (BANs). This is called Remote Neural Monitoring (RNM).
RNM utilises Radio Frequency Identifiers (RFIDs), the same tech used when you tap to pay or to raise the alarm if you try to take items from a department store without paying. Nano-tech installs millions of RFIDs in the synapses of the brain that when beamed with EMF from a personal device, mobile tower or even satellite, a unique identifier and the state of the synapse is returned. It basically allows the system to see a total picture of the activity in your brain in real time. It is possible to read the state of the brain many times a second using today’s technology, without a subject even knowing this is happening.
Once the sensors are in place in the brain, the system can go ahead and start “training” with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for your unique Brain Mapping, eventually allowing the intel community to read your thoughts as text!
Training an AI to read your thoughts is a process that only requires 2 things:
The input of your brain activity which can be obtained through RNM and
For the person being monitored to read, watch and write KNOWN material while being monitored by an AI which maps your brain activity to words, images and concepts
This process requires that you read an write words or imagery while the system measures and catalogues the parts of the brain the “light up” when doing so.
Considering that most of the population already have passive sensors embedded in the brain’s synapses they can be read via remote means such as smart devices, communications towers or even satellites. Big Tech sites, fundamental in this crime against humanity, can monitor your reactions to viewing content on their platforms such as Face book, YouTube and Netflix.
In fact Google has an index of the entire World Wide Web allowing them the potential to use the tracker tech that is installed VOLUNTARILY on most websites as a means of tracking traffic to the website, to monitor a person AS THEY VIEW the site in REAL TIME including where your cursor is placed on the site giving them nearly word for word realtime tracking of WHAT a person is reading or viewing. Netflix knows exactly what you are watching down to the second.
This information combined with monitoring of your brain activity WHILE YOU READ a website or WATCH a video is perfect for training the AI on your unique brain activity eventually allowing the ability to READ YOUR MINDS in the future.
This also explains why JUST THINKING about something you need to purchase will result in advertising for this on your Facebook feed! Give it a try! Think of something you need and repeat it to yourself in your mind. Now visit Facebook and notice what comes up in the advertising.
Global Takeover
You are now under 100% 24/7 surveillance! And the sovereignty of your mind (and dreams) have been STOLEN by the FOUL private interests with the help of ignorant or complicit Governments and their departments and agencies that are supposed to be FOR THE APPARENT SAFETY and GOOD of the PEOPLE of your NATION!
What’s worse; YOU HAVE PAID FOR THIS TREASON TO HAPPEN. You have paid for your own imprisonment in what is moving towards being nothing short of an OPEN AIR PRISON and a PRISON of the MIND! In some cases people have paid with their lives!
These people do not care for you. They are already GUILTY of the genocide of countless people especially the elderly during the pandemic.
This was by plan. Global takeover has been the plan for DECADES and the technologies outlined in this article are how they had always planned to do it.
What we can do
Share this far and wide! Download it! Print it, Photocopy it, talk to your friends about it. Send it to your MPs. Demand that something be done about what is the biggest crime against humanity the world has ever seen! One person might not make a difference, but one telling ten and them telling ten very quickly becomes an unstoppable force . This is why the establishment are so keen on quieting the PEOPLE’S VOICE, CENSORSHIP and spreading FEAR about EXTREMISM being spread online!
Chelation is the process of removing heavy metals from the body. Chem trails being spread are a combination of Polymer and Graphine Oxide based nano-technology. This same technology has been found in foods, water and medications including so-called vaccines.
EDTA, Dandelion Tea, Coriander are all good chelation agents. Methyl Blue has also been found to assist with the removal of nano-particulates and assist in the restoration of blood effected by nanotech. Many people have reported a clearing of “brain-fog” associated with the the COVID-19 nano-jabs in as short time as a couple of days of taking it.
There are plenty more things you can do to minimize exposure and remove nano from the body.. For more information see the following article:
Mental Health
Due to the broad psychological attacks that are apparent in the community many people are being twisted by the wills of those controlling the program…
Many of these attacks are designed to serve an agendas such as making you easy to control. They insert a catch-all that says you will do as they say, then it’s just a matter of planting suggestions in your subconscious and away you go.
Depopulation is another one so I would imagine that there are a lot more people considering suicide as an option these days. This is being induced. Be wary of nihilistic thoughts. This is what they want. All of these foul suggestions can be countered by well worded affirmation.
Orgone Generators/accumulators
Orgone generators allow converting harmful energies into harmonious energies. These can be small or large and can be worn, or placed around your home and work place. Orgone is UNIVERSAL ENERGY that exists in and around everything. It is a true source of unlimited energy. Please check out
for more information and products relating to this. Also research the late
EMF Shielding
TURN OFF DEVICES, DON’T SLEEP WITH THEM! Keep them within metal containers or create pouches layered in Foil, sheet-metals and EMF materials
I cannot stress this enough.. Your devices are not only DANGEROUS, they are the main source of brainwashing and emotional control.
Metals and EMF fabric can be used to reduce harmful EMF. This can be a complex and expensive task to shield yourself especially if you are being hit with Direct Energy Weapons designed to cause harm… Many of these operate on low frequency bandwidths that are difficult to block without the use of
Big tech has been FUNDAMENTAL in the creation of these foul systems. Without Big Tech - none of this would be possible… These platforms have been used as tools of gaining TOTAL CONTROL from the VERY START!.. Don’t be fooled by articles explaining how Zuckerburg went into bat for your freedom of speech.. While he’s doing that I have never once stopped being CENSORED on the platform.. This is not about what they say, it’s about WHAT THEY DO!!! Their actions give you a much more accurate picture of what they are up to.
For example; Did you know that when you upload a picture using the Facebook Mobile Application on Android you grant Zuck and his Intel MATES FULL ACCESS to your camera roll? This isn’t how it HAS to be. This is how it was DESIGNED. There are other ways to achieve what they are doing. For example you could just allow upload of a SINGLE SELECTED ITEM. But instead it has been DELIBERATELY DESIGNED to pilfer ALL your pics and videos just so you can upload a single funny picture of your cat licking itself (at least as thumbnails)!
Further to this, all of these platforms are likely being used to train the AI and create your personal brain map which can then be used to READ and WRITE to your mind using EMF RNM Technology.
New systems need to be built to facilitate communication and sharing of information that cannot be censored and monitored. These systems need to be DECENTRALISED where there is NO CENTRAL AUTHORITY controlling what can and cannot be published or shared. This is the only way to assure an imbalance of information being shared or outright censorship at the hands of those with the power to control centralised entities. This is apparent in platforms such as Google Search, Facebook and Youtube. Censorship is getting worse not better… To see where this ends up check out what happened prior to WWII:
The 15 minute cities is the brainchild of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and features strongly on their foul agenda. The concept is that people will live withing walking distance of their work and have a quota on the number flights and vacations out of this area each year.. It’s basically an open air prison. These grids will be largely controlled by a 5g (and coming 6g) control grid. It is recommended that if you can move to a rural location that is outside of strong EMF then remain free from the control grid will be easier than if you remain inside it’s reach.
For years the establishment that have made themselves rich and powerful by debasing the currency that we all use have opposed Bitcoin.
It has only been in recent months that the large investment bankers (i.e. Blackrock, Vanguard etc) have started to manage portfolios including ETF products representing Bitcoin.
There is a reason why Bitcoin has invoked such negative responses from authorities and powerful actors around the world..
Bitcoin is not owned by anyone and cannot be printed by anyone without “Proof of work”. This means that you must expend energy in order to create it.
This prevents excessive printing which is the cause of all monetary imbalance in the world due to those players who are close to the faucet of cash having a near unlimited supply allowing them to achieve FOUL acts and be able to cover it up because they own the people, the media and the big organisations, military complexes through being the biggest investors and owners of these organisations. This imbalance is the reason for EVERYTHING bad in this world… It’s not the CASH it is the fact that there is a MASSIVE HOLE in the bucket and it flows straight into the pockets of those in power! They designed it this way and have a hold over the world due to this massive imbalance.
You can make a difference.. The combined wealth of the people is nothing to sniff at. Much of this value these days is held in 401k’s or retirement funds (i.e. superannuation) often due to mandatory contributions..
What this did was create a MASSIVE pool of YOUR MONEY which could be used to SWAY MARKETS, sway the behaviours and alliances of large organisations on the stock market, sway the media, enable the human trafficking trade, enable the drug trade, support environmental destruction and enables the creation of weapons of war, death and mind control.
It is a lie that BITCOIN is bad for the environment. Without the US holding the power as the WORLD currency most wars would not even happen. The banks would no longer fund endless wars and the power would return to where it belongs – in the hands of THE PEOPLE.
Basically anyone holding this amount of money (even if it isn’t their own) holds such influence that the world adheres to their wills. And their WILL is DEATH AND DESTRUCTION.
Money is concentrated WILL.
But what if I told you that a FAIR money exists TODAY that could BREAK the SPELL?? Bitcoin is that fair money.. It is truly GOD’s MONEY.
It is not OWNED by anyone. It is not CONTROLLED by anyone. It CANNOT BEING INVENTED out of thin air and so cannot be DEVALUED based on EXCESS PRINTING, which is what currently happens with FIAT DOLLARS around the world, causing INFLATION and increasing the COST OF LIVING.
Make a MINT and SAVE THE WORLD in the process!
While many of our Members of Parliament are paid off, corrupt, brainwashed, coerced or misinformed about these matters a minority group still remains in the reach of the people.
Many of them are brave heroes who are aware of the foul scourge that has befallen this great country and the rest of the Western World and fight tirelessly towards bringing light to the people and speaking truth to power.
A recent vote on whether to conduct an inquiry into the governments handling of the pandemic found that 66% did not think an inquiry was needed.
These people are not looking out for the people but pandering to the Globalist Agenda.
These are disturbing numbers and show just how prolific the spread of this disease has become.
But all hope is nor lost… The 33% on the side of light represent a beacon of HOPE.
Now is the time to take action. Write to your MP and express concern over the globalist agenda’s plots. Be active in bringing this information to the attention of your family and friends.
How can a medical establishment built on lies and omissions, taught to treat the symptoms and not the CAUSE truly be looking out for your health? Start to take a KEEN interest in your own health and well-being. WE ARE ENERGETIC BEINGS. The ancients have known this for millennia. Why does our medical establishment ignore it??
WE ARE Energetic beings! Not just flesh and bone. EVERYTHING is VIBRATION and in CONSTANT motion from solids, liquids, sounds, radio waves, microwaves and light to THOUGHTS and FEELINGS all are manifest in what we call reality.. Our WORLD and UNIVERSE is painted through the WILLS and MINDS of consciousness that truly CREATE our realities. Our enemies know this and USE this to their own advantage. If we are to truly persist and THRIVE we MUST harness and understand this simple but powerful TRUTH!
Affirmations, Meditation, Chanting, Mantra, Hypnosis and Binaural Beats are all useful tools that can be used to IMPROVE YOURSELF and CHANGE YOURSELF and YOUR WORLD around you!
Positive Thoughts planted and read before bed and in the morning can CHANGE YOUR REALITY, outlook and whole life! How hard is it to write some positive affirmations and read them for 10 minutes a day?? START TODAY and you will see IMMEDIATE changes in your habits and any area you wish to EXCEL!
Let’s make a better WORLD for EVERYONE!